I am a Kenyan A&R/Rapper/DJ/Producer based in Germany. Wish you all the best while you preview my blog page. Support Anglohili music, support the movement.
I had the honour to give this young Kenyan singstress an opportunity to record in a professional studio. Vanessa (Miss VM) had her 1st recording session in my studio and I was amazed by her talent. The track will be featured on my L.A.F (Lost Anglohili Files) Mixtape. Anglohili itembee, ina miguu!!
Abbas has once again proved he is on top of Kenya's Hip Hop Game! I love this video simply because of the simplicity. The quality is on point. I wish this video had been chucked out earlier, but it's never too late. Abbas new classic Album "Mr Abbas" is out now. Study Abbas metaphors on this song...............a lyrical genius!
I am in the club about to jump on my DJ Set. Then I recalled Jay-Z was premiering his new video yesterday. So I checked the video out and am a admit, this video had me trippin' for a minute. Well, I did some research and found out this comment from a viewer:
:29..theres a face in the fingerprint :36..theres a man in the middle wearing a crown :38..the flash, if you can catch it..3 bullets pointing up, 3balls in the middle, 3 bullets pointing up 1:24..the beast in each flame, the figure rising out of them at the top 2:10.. jigga wit the light around his head 2:13..always knew it’d be like this 3:04..face in the fossil’s head 3:19-3:20..the flash, if you can catch it..five balls, hands picking at the top left and bottom right ones. of the remaining 3 balls, theres a figure above the one in the middle 3:31..monsters in the flames 3:39..jesus in between two bullets 3:51..horns
supposedly occultists value the numbers 3,7,9,11,13,33,&39. could be a coincidence that all the times above add up to those one of those numbers. if it does, thats amazing…creepy…but amazing.
When I heard Jay-Z say "Y'all should be scared of what am about to do next", I was looking forward to some conspiracy. He already scared me with this video....